What they didn't know is that it is remarkably like watching England at football.
Without giving away what happens, there's the introduction, a refamiliarisation with the teams and the star players as the opening credits role. Then the opening bout of punditry (in the film's case the ponderous thoughts of Miss Carrie Bradshaw) as the present situation is weighed up in advance of the real business.
Early decisions are made (tactics, formation and gameplan) and in the first half there are some fine moments in which Carrie goes 1-0 up and celebrates in some style.
But soon enough the main characters sit back, take their eye off the ball, and it all goes wrong.
Miranda scores a spectaular own goal from which she struggles to recover and soon the opposition have the upper hand resulting in a bout of in fighting and self doubt.
On a bigger scale it's comparable to England's Euro 2008 campaign. There's a lot of wallowing and recrimination, but it can only last so long.
The final 20 minutes is tense as form is re-established but the result isn't certain and for the final score you'll have to read elsewhere as we don't have the rights to reveal the remainder.